Fabienne Michelini
Associate Professor, Institute of Materials, Microelectronics, Nanosciences of Provence
Born on October the 17th, 1971 Béziers (France)
e-mail: fabienne.michelini@im2np.fr
Tel: +33 (0)4 13 55 20 48
1996: “Agrégation de sciences physiques, option physique”
1997: Master Degree in Physics from the “Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse” (France).
2000: Ph-D, theoretical/numerical physics, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Toulouse, es Physique du Solide, “k.p method for semiconductor structures: application to quantum wire superlattices and dilute semi-magnetic semiconductor thin films ”; Supervisor J.-P. Peyrade.
Associate Professor, Aix-Marseille University, Institute of Materials, Microelectronics, Nanosciences of Provence UMR-CNRS 6242, 2005-
Postdoctorate, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructures, director E. Kapon, 2001-2005.
Fabienne Michelini has worked on the theoretical/numerical building of empirical models within the k.p method to understand the electronic properties of realistic condensed-matter systems, in particular quantum-dot based semiconductor heterostructures. In parallel, she has gained a great expertise in high performance computing for large-scale numerical problems. For the last five years, she has investigated the transport properties of opened quantum structures for novel nano-devices using effective methods within the Green function formalism. She is focusing on time-dependent and non-linear responses in optoelectronic and thermoelectric effects.
Fabienne Michelini is currently supervising a phD student on the photovoltaic effect in quantum-dot based nanosystems connected to semi-infinite one-dimensional reservoirs (A. Berbezier).