« Improvement of photovoltaic conversion efficiency by acting on Thermalization mecanisms»
ANR funding : 611 085 €
Partners :
LPCNO UMR 5215 (Toulouse) : L. Lombez (coordinator), X. Marie, D. Lagarde.
Inst. FOTON UMR 6082 (Rennes) : O. Durand (scientific responsible), S. Boyer-Richard.
IM2NP UMR 7334 (Marseille) : F. Michelini (scientific responsible), N. Cavassilas, A.-M. Daré, and M. Bescond.
C2N UMR 9001 (Saclay) : S. Collin (scientific responsible), A. Cattoni, and A. Delamarre.
IPVF UMR 9006 (Saclay) : D. Suchet (scientific responsible) and J.-F. Guillemoles.
ICEMAN project focuses on hot carrier solar cells. Achieving high efficiencies is a key element for the competitiveness of photovoltaics. Among the third-generation devices, hot carrier solar cells aim to reduce thermalization by achieving high absorption.. The objective of the project is therefore to design an ultra-thin hot carrier cell.